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BrandingPays™ System

High Value, Rapid Results

Our corporate and personal branding consulting is based on the BrandingPays™ System, a methodology that delivers high value in a short amount of time with a systematic and interactive approach. Not only do we deliver a compelling brand strategy and messages, but we transfer valuable skills and branding knowledge through our tools and examples. We empower individuals and teams to take charge of their brands.

Step-by-Step Method

Developed over the past 25 years by Founder and CEO Karen Kang, the BrandingPays System is a step-by-step method with interactive tools and training proven at leading business schools, Fortune 500 companies and startups.

Clarity, Consistency and Action

We help our clients to 1) develop a clear value message, 2) know what your brand stands for, and 3) create an ecosystem plan to achieve your desired brand.

Unlike brand consultants who specialize in tactics, BrandingPays focuses on your brand strategy and messages that are critical to understanding what actions to take to improve your brand.

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