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Whatever your score, let BrandingPays help.

Karen is Silicon Valley's positioning and brand strategy expert. Her BrandingPays is a proven methodology that blends interactive team workshops with strategy deliverables. In quick fashion, you'll be racing towards a stronger brand.

About the Branding Pyramid

To build a sustainable brand, start at the bottom of the pyramid and work up. Know where you're headed (strategy), have a product or service that matters (Whole Product), become a leader, deliver a brand experience, and then your brand will be valued by customers.

Positioning and Brand Strategy

Do you have a clear positioning strategy that is aligned with your brand personality and messages?

Positioning should include business definition/category, target customer, value proposition and competitive differentiation.

Whole Product

Do you provide a compelling Whole Product?

A Whole Product is the core product (such as, software) plus the augmentation that helps to deliver compelling value to the target customer (such as, operating manual, customer support, warranties, channel or technology partners, users group, online tutorials, etc.)

Positioning Leadership

Do market influencers endorse your leadership and evidence claims?

Market perception determines a company's actual position. Therefore, winning third-party endorsement of market influencers is key to positioning leadership.

Brand Experience

Do you deliver on a consistent brand experience from your operational behavior to your external branding?

Ensuring that a company is true to its brand from the inside out is what makes for a strong brand.

Brand Value

Do customers value and prefer your brand?

A good brand is a marriage of the rational (your positioning) and the irrational (the emotional response to your image). Customers should derive functional and emotional value from your brand.