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Unique. Empowering. Proven.

BrandingPays™ Courses Deliver Results


BrandingPays delivers personal branding seminars with interactive breakout exercises that enable participants to network and connect. We offer BrandingPays Certified Consultants for both corporate training and one-on-one coaching. Web-accessible tools enhance classroom training and promote continuous professional development. BrandingPays course materials and training cover the following topics:

Positioning Statement and Elevator Pitch

How do you want people to think of your unique rational value? How do you communicate your value in a concise and compelling way?

Brand Strategy

Marry your rational value and emotional value for a holistic brand. Branding from the inside out helps to build a sustainable brand.

Brand Ecosystem and Management

Learn to identify your influencers and manage relationships that affect your brand reputation.

Brand Action Plan

Develop your Goals, Actions and Metrics to achieve the brand you desire.

Contact BrandingPays Today >>

BrandingPays Personal Branding Method